EXPEC-3200 Portable M/NMHC Detection System
Product Summary:
The EXPEC-3200 portable methane and non-methane hydrocarbon analyzer adopt heat tracing technology to transfer the heat up to 180 degrees and FID technology, effectively avoiding the loss of high boiling points and high concentration samples.
EXPEC-3200 can accurately measure compositions of all hydrocarbons, methane, non-methane, and other characteristic emission factors of exhaust gas from stationary sources and unmonitored emissions, capable of detecting contaminants of up to 1ppb.
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Product overview Product features
Product overview
The EXPEC-3200 portable methane and non-methane hydrocarbon analyzer adopt heat tracing technology to transfer the heat up to 180 degrees and FID technology, effectively avoiding the loss of high boiling points and high concentration samples.
EXPEC-3200 can accurately measure compositions of all hydrocarbons, methane, non-methane, and other characteristic emission factors of exhaust gas from stationary sources and unmonitored emissions, capable of detecting contaminants of up to 1ppb.
Product features
  • Highly integrated, without the need of support from external accessory connections;
  • Requires no need for external power supply, the battery is both safe and long-lasting, containing a battery capacity is about 19.2Ah;
  • Heating tracing during the whole path, effectively reducing sample loss to ensure more accurate results;
  • Optional connecting devices, including computers, cell phones as well as tablets;
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